Can You Cancel a Flight Within 24 Hours of Departure?

Yes, you can cancel a flight within 24 hours of departure because, according to the 24 hour cancellation policy, if you exceed the limit of 24 hours, then you need to pay cancellation charges. The charges may change according to the type of flight you have booked. You can go through the below written policies and procedures that will help you in canceling your suitable flight option successfully without making any errors.

Here Are the Flight Cancellation Policies Discussed Below:

The policies are made under the supervision of senior authorities that will prevent you from falling into some kind of delay. The policies cover all the 24hr booking flight rules and regulations. These policies are designed to maintain decorum and a trustworthy relationship between airline authorities and clients.

You have gone through flight cancellation policies which will help you to go for flight cancellation within 24 hours. Now move your eyes toward the flight cancellation procedure mentioned below. The procedure is explained in a very layman language, so you can apply it without any external help.

(Following the cancellation, you will also get a refund request form through which you can claim a refund)

 You can approach customer service to get your flight canceled less than 24 hours before departure through a toll free number available on the official site of the airline. The number is available 24 hours and seven days. The customer service executive promptly provides you with a suitable solution to your question.

(USA) +1-802-308-3254 (AUS) +61-251335873 (UK) +44-203-514-0958